Like all parish churches, the Barn Church depends on its members for its financial wellbeing. Regular giving to the church can be organised by weekly envelopes or by direct debit. Tax payers are invited to sign a Gift Aid declaration, to enable the parish to reclaim 25p in the £1 from HMRC on all donations. You can set up planned giving or make a one-off donation through CAFdonate here
We held a Stewardship at The Barn on 6th November – more details here
The Barn Church is run by a large number of volunteers, providing services from Junior Church to flower arranging, from organising social events to singing in the church choir. People are encouraged to join the rota for reading the lessons on a Sunday morning, and for leading the intercessions. We are particularly in need of people to oversee the maintenance of this fascinating building.
Please contact the Vicar: Revd Peter Hart 02083921425