Dear All/Barn Congregations

The following items are drawn from topics discussed at the most recent PCC Barn Church, 2 December 2020 and current news as of 20 December 2020.

Vacancy (interregnum): the advertisement for the position of vicar went live on 4th December 2020.  Updates from the diocese suggest a positive response and interest from a range potential candidates.  Short lists and interviews are to be arranged between January and March 2020.

The Vicarage continues to be checked and is due to be refurbished – we are awaiting details from the diocese.

Church services: private prayers during lockdown were well received; thanks to Alban Clarke and Ian for the music and Paul Gregorowski for their support.  Services started again on 6th December with communion by extension Richard Austen, which has been followed by Elizabeth Morse officiating at most of the following services.  Despite government Tier 4 restrictions worship is allowed and a Christmas programme of services is planned – see Barn Church website for details.

Christmas events, fundraising and giving: Some small / digital enabled events are being explored and may take place in the weeks following Christmas. The usual Angel giving scheme (for disadvantaged children) will not go ahead this year and Tim Woolmer has agreed to divert giving to a similar charity.  If you are interested in giving, you might like to make a donation to FORK (Feed Our Richmond Kids). This local charity works in partnership with the Vineyard and Richmond Council, running a Christmas campaign to feed under-fives at risk of food poverty. Information can be found and donations made via and  We hope that Advent Angels will be back next year, but, in the meantime, please do consider giving to this worthwhile cause.

Platforms such as ‘Golden Giving’ ( are being reviewed to enable giving in what has been and continues to be, a very challenging time for the Barn and the wider Diocese/Church of England.  

Finance: Bernadette Bird has completed the accounts for 2019 and work on the 2020 accounts is well under way.  We are grateful for the work that Bernadette has done and hope to keep simplifying reporting practices – all invoices must go to the Parish Office in the first instance. 

Positive meetings have been had with the archdeacon and diocese finance team and it is hoped that these positive relations will benefit the Barn, its sustainability and our ability to honour pledge commitments to the Diocese.

Church buildings and grounds: the findings of the Quinquennial report are being applied by Matthew Pannett with work planned early 2021 including servicing heating, fire extinguishers, clearing gutters and tree pruning.

Church/Hall usage and bookings: Richard Wright looks after usage and bookings and reports that Nursery continues in the Barn Church Hall with other users potentially starting again depending on restrictions.  The toddler group continues to use the Barn Church.

Diocese parish support fund/Technology: the Barn Church has received funding to improve our technology and develop our ability to record using digital technology.  The funding of up to £500.00 will be used to buy a modern video camera and accessories so that services and events can be recorded or livestreamed.  We are also looking into installing Wi-Fi at the Barn Church.

Diocese Green Grants/Garden: the Barn Church has received funding to improve our green credentials and continue the development of our grounds and garden.  The funding of up to £1’500.00 will be used to buy a range of items designed to add to our existing flora and fauna.

Junior Church: Junior Church (older children) continues on-line with Lisa.  We are reviewing ways of re-engaging the younger children and families for a safe return to junior church

APCM: The 2020 and 2021 APCMs will be held together, date, time and form of meeting to be decided at the next PCC meeting – it will be before the end of May 2021.

Date for next PCC meeting: Wednesday 27th January, 2021, 7pm via Zoom.

Thank you all for your support and good wishes – Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Andrew and Beth xx

Co-Churchwarden’s, The Barn Church, Kew