Happy Easter!

It has been a very long Lent. Our Easter plans did not include staying in. But today the usual things have happened. Today the unusual things have happened.

  • Mary has gone to Jesus’s tomb and found it empty
  • The grave clothes were left in the tomb
  • The disciples ran to the garden to see for themselves
  • Mary thought Jesus was the gardener
  • Jesus was alive!

We may not be able to go far, or for long, but we can still celebrate with prayer, food and things to do.

Easter cross craft

Follow the link for instructions :

Make an Easter garden

Simple idea here for creating one of these:

Make some yummy Easter biscuits

Try Mary Berry’s recipe:


A prayer for Easter during lockdown

         This Easter we remember all those affected by the coronavirus.

                     We pray for everyone in hospital and for all the people who work to make them better. We pray for doctors, nurses, paramedics and midwives. We pray for therapists, radiographers and pharmacists. We pray for porters and technicians, for admin staff and for all who keep staff fed, and keep things clean. We pray too for all those who volunteer, or have returned to help the NHS. Please keep them safe.

We pray for all who wait anxiously for news of sick loved ones. We pray for those who are lonely and afraid. We pray for the homeless, the jobless, and the people we support by giving to the Food Bank.

We pray for those who have died, and those who mourn them. Keep them in your loving care.

And we pray for ourselves, in these difficult days, as we stay in to help save lives. Teach us to be patient. Teach us to less selfish, to help others as well as ourselves. Help us remember everybody who is working so hard to bring better days ahead.

In the name of Jesus, who rose from the dead on Easter morning.


Why Easter eggs? Some people think they mean new life. Others say their shape reminds us of Jesus’s tomb. Over the page you can have a go at an Easter egg puzzle.  Have a happy Easter, and don’t eat too many eggs!

Draw lines between the six pairs of eggs that are identical