Everyone is welcome to join us for our Holy Week services and activities.
Holy Week is a journey from Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, through the events of the Last Supper and Garden of Gethsemane to the Cross and on to the joy and wonder of Easter Sunday.
We would love you to join us for this journey, or for as much of it as you are able to manage. Most of our services are suitable for older children, and we would love them to participate in the week with us. Please note that many of our services are Benefice Services, and a number are held at St Luke’s Church on the Avenue.

Palm Sunday, 24 March, 10am. Benefice Eucharist and Procession with Palms, starting from St Luke’s and moving to the Barn Church
followed at 11:30am by the making of Easter Gardens in the Barn Church Garden. We will also be making an Easter Garden for the sanctuary of St Luke’s Church.
Monday 25 March, 7:30pm. Benefice Compline at the Barn Church,
followed at 8pm by Christian Meditation at the Barn Church
Tuesday 26 March, 7:30pm. Benefice Compline at the Barn Church
Wednesday 27 March, 7:30pm: Tenebrae, Service of Shadows at St Luke’s
Thursday 28 March, 7:30pm: Maundy Thursday Eucharist with foot washing at St Luke’s
Good Friday, 29 March, 10am-noon: Children’s Easter Craft session at St Luke’s
Good Friday, 29 March, 2pm. Meditations with Music at St Luke’s
Easter Sunday, 31 March, 8:30am: Outdoor Easter Eucharist in the Barn Church Garden, followed by breakfast.