During the first Holy Week Jesus told a number of stories we call parables. These are tales which sound simple, but act as a kind of lesson to teach us how we should behave.
Father Peter has re-told the Parable of the Talents, which teaches us how to use our own special talents and how we should use them carefully, as well as the gifts other people give us.

Matthew 25: 14-30 The Parable of the Talents
Jesus explained God’s way of doing things: a rich man asked three of his workers to look after his money while he was away. He gave one of them 50,000 silver coins, to the second he gave 20,000 silver coins, and to the third he gave 10,000 silver coins. The first worker traded with his gift, and doubled his money. The second worker also traded with the money, and he made 20,000 more silver coins. However, the third man dug a hole in the garden and buried the coins until his employer returned.
The rich man asked the three men to show him what they had done with his money. The first gave him back all the coins, along with the profits he had made. “Well done!” said the man, “I know I can always trust you.” The second gave him back the 20,000 silver coins, with the extra money he had earned. “Well done!” said the man, “I can trust you too.”
Then the third man came in. He had dug up the 10,000 silver coins which he handed back to the rich man, saying, “Here is your money. I was afraid of you. You can be very strict, so I hid the money while you were gone.” “You wicked man!” said the rich man. “Are you so scared of me, that you couldn’t even invest my money and get some interest on it while I was gone?” He turned to the other two and gave the 10,000 silver coins to the first man who already had the most money. Then he asked the third man to leave his house and never return.
Jesus finished the parable by saying that everyone who has something, will be given more, but for those who have nothing, even the little they have will be taken away. Jesus wants us to use everything that we have been given by God, and not to waste it. If we don’t use the gifts we have been given, they are useless.
Here are some activities to help us think about the parable – and maybe help you wrap any Easter presents you might be giving.
Potato print gift wrap

You need:
As large a sheet of plain-ish paper as you can find
A potato Paint Coloured felt pens
A handy adult who can cut the potato safely for you
Something to protect the surface you are working on
- The cut surface of the potato needs to create an oval shape whether cut lengthwise or widthwise.
- Spread the paper you are printing out flat
- Cover the cut end of the potato with paint, so that it is completely covered but won’t drip
- Start stamping oval shapes randomly on to the paper
- You can use the other potato half to create prints in a contrasting colour
- When the printed paper is dry you can turn the oval shapes into Easter eggs by adding patterns and a bow with the felt pens.
St Luke’s and the Barn have talent! Think about the things you are good at and how you could use them, e.g.
- Cooking? – make a cake or Easter biscuits for an older person who is self-isolating
- Listening? – ring or message a friend or relation who is stuck indoors
- Musical? – learn a new song
- Sporty? – use some of that surplus energy while we are stuck at home to help in the garden
Write down some of your talents on pieces of post-it-size paper (don’t use post-its – they will stick together!) Keep these to one side while you make a …
Simple Easter Piñata
You will find instructions for making this at:
When you come to fill it (half-way – it won’t work if it’s too heavy) – mix the “talents” ideas you have written down in with whatever you choose for the filling, e.g. mini eggs or a healthier alternative.
When you come to smash the piñata at Easter don’t forget those talents you will need to help all of us get through our time stuck at home.
Prayer for Tuesday of Holy Week
Dear Father God,
Help us to use the gifts you have given us for the good of others. Teach us to put other people first, to help where we can, and to put a smile on the faces of those around us.