The theme for the Churches Together in Kew Lent talks this year is People in Crisis: A Christian Response.
The talks take place on Monday evenings – starting on 6 March – at the Barn Church in Atwood Avenue and feature speakers from both local and national organisations focusing on practical solutions to contemporary crises. All are welcome, no booking is necessary.
Here is the programme in full:
Monday, 6 March: Homelessness
Speaker: Jack Stephen, Chair of Trustees, SPEAR
Monday, 13 March: Children, International Issues
Speaker: Elizabeth Berryman, Save the ChildrenCancelled due to Elizabeth needing to be abroad for work
Monday 13 March: Safe water
Speaker: Duncan Goose, One Foundation
Monday, 20 March: Human Trafficking
Speaker: Fr Mark Odion MSP, Coordinator of the Santa Marta Group African Project on Human Trafficking at the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales
Monday 27 March: the Background to current crises
Speaker: Bishop Trevor Williams, Christian Aid
Monday 3 April: Refugees
Speaker: Rupert Blomfield, South West Red Cross. Plymouth
The series is launched with a special Prayers and Pancakes Service on Shrove Tuesday, February 28th at 8pm at The Barn Church. Again, all are welcome.