The Barn Junior Church is a vibrant part of The Barn community, with the associated energy and spirit being for many of us in the wider congregation a big reason why we so enjoy life in our Church. The purpose of Junior Church is to provide nurture and support to young people and their families across our community.

Typically we meet each Sunday in term time at the 9:30am service (with the exception of the first Sunday of each month, which is All Age Worship), with two sessions being held, one for younger children up to Reception/ Year 1 and another for older children. We also run the cafés at two major fund raising events, the Summer and Christmas fairs.

As with all aspects of life at The Barn, we rely on volunteers to help lead and coordinate our activities. To date, we have been fortunate to have a core group of individuals who have led Junior Church and provided a lot of organisational and administrative support. Typically this has happened on a 18 month to 24 month cycle, and we are now looking for a new group of people to volunteer and take on this leadership role.

The time commitment is limited (approx. 1 hour per week on average), and comprises:

  • Creating a schedule of Junior Church sessions each term
  • Allocating volunteers to take the lead each week (for the younger age group only)
  • Coordinating tidying and restocking of the Junior Church materials cupboard
  • Organising the cafés at the Summer and Christmas fairs
  • Sending communications from the Junior Church mailbox
  • Attending PCC meetings to represent Junior Church

Those volunteering to take on this role will be well supported by Father Peter, the Churchwardens, and the existing Junior Church leaders.

What is absolutely essential to keep Junior Church going is that everyone continues to make their own contribution, in particular in supporting the leadership team in volunteering to lead on Sunday mornings. If you would like to lead a session or are interested in becoming a team leader please contact