Dear Lord, on Palm Sunday our two congregations would normally join together in a procession between the two churches. This year we cannot do this and we cannot even be in church. We pray for our two congregations at this time. Be with those of our number who are lonely and let them know that their fellow Christians here in Kew are thinking and praying for them. Give strength to all of us to deal with the current crisis and we look forward to the day when we can all worship together once again.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
On Palm Sunday you arrived in Jerusalem, knowing the pain and insults and cruelty that would be directed at you in the coming days, even from those you loved. In Holy Week the human frailties of cowardice and fear and denial were demonstrated by your disciples. But, through it all, shone your love and your compassion and you proved your devotion to humanity by going through pain and torture and death for us.
Forgive us when we are like the disciples and fail you and deny you and cause you pain. Help us when we have doubts, help us to turn these into opportunities to learn more about you; to develop and intensify our faith. Help us to be true to you, never to deny you; to be bold to speak the words that you have taught us and to be true witnesses of our faith in you
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
We praise you for you have redeemed us. You have welcomed us and the whole church into your family and we look forward to the day when we will join you in your Kingdom. You, Lord, are always with us, caring for us – the beginning and the end of everything. The true Alpha and Omega.
Lord, lead your church in the way of righteousness, to work for you with confidence, selflessness and faith. We thank you for your loving kindness and your generosity towards us. Please forgive us when we are ungrateful; when we fail to recognise the good things you have given us and ignore them while focussing only on the problems we face and the difficulties of life. Give to us, our families, friends and neighbours the spirit of gratitude for all we have received. For you are a generous God, who loves all his children everywhere.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
We pray for our church here in Kew and for other church communities in London and the UK. We pray for the church throughout the World, especially in places where our fellow Christians suffer for their faith or where people are prevented from hearing the good news of Jesus Christ.
And we pray for leaders throughout the World, especially at this difficult time of Coronavirus . Guide them all so that they will make wise decisions to protect their people and defeat this awful pestilence.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
We pray for those who have been affected by Coronavirus in whatever way – both by infection or fear of infection; those whose lives have been disrupted and who may fear for their jobs and futures; for those who may be suffering loneliness because of self-isolation; for those in less fortunate countries who may not be able to put bread on their tables as they have no money because of the many economic effects of shutdown.
May our own experience of pain create compassion and not bitterness in our lives, so that we may understand the suffering of others and be better able to serve and understand them. Have mercy on the sick, especially those suffering from Coronavirus, and also those who have no hope of cure. Give them courage to face what lies ahead; perseverance and new hope. Give them the vision to see you when all appears hopeless and may they find your presence in the shadows when they are in their darkest hours. And today we pray especially for:
Shelagh Cochrane, Alan Hay, Juliet Low, Joan Pritchard, Johanna Procter, Mary Smith, Kevin Willoughby, Max Weston
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
We pray for the departed, especially those have died this week from Coronavirus or in other tragic circumstances. And today we pray especially for:
Juliet Daley and Mary Allman.
May they rest in peace and rise in glory.
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your son, our Saviour Jesus Christ.